Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri

The Israeli Messianic newssite Israel Today put a post about Rabbi Kaduri again, it is a reprint of a cover story kadurithat first appeared in the April 2007 issue of Israel Today Magazine. For anyone who is interested: I have a bunch of links for you. Israel Today made a video earlier, but the link didn’t works anymore and I couldn’t find it on youtube anymore. You can find however many video’s of it when you search on the words Kaduri and Messiah. He said that the Messiah would come after Ariel Sharon had died.

A good article to begin with:







According to rabbi Moshe Otero there are some chassidim who expect Yeshua to come as the Messiah. But they expect a complete different Jesus. As modern scientists say the historical Jesus differs a lot from the Christian Jesus.

A closer look into the note:




“Rav Kaduri once told me that while we can never know when Mashiah will come, we can be sure to know when he will not, when people predict that Mashiah will come on such and such a day, know that they are wrong.”:


Impression of Kaduri: http://youtu.be/ytihsP13gRw

Update: (25-11-2013) See also this book: The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime, by Carl Gallups, nov. 2013.

Update 6feb2015: http://ffoz.org/blogs/2015/01/yartzeit_of_rabbi_yitzchak_kad_2.html

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2 Responses to “Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri”

  1. Esther Says:

    What is the source of M. Otero’s statement cited in the article?

  2. Jos Says:

    Esther, I’m sorry, I couldn’t find the source anymore. Regards, Jos

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