Archive for January, 2009

The struggle of my church

January 31, 2009

For decades, but most in the last years, many problems arise inside the church behaviour. I mean the orthodox (Dutch-reformed) church once in great glory, is now become a fallen entity at certain major points. Let’s take a look.

1. Due to great emphasis on the predestination with a modern (Greek thinking) mindset, responsibility has ceased. Also free will issues are not done. With the same black/white simplistic thinking, one is not allowed to make a choice. The will is bounded by Satan since man is fallen. I agree on that, but there is still a choice to make. It’s obvious in the bible that we can and have to make the choice for obeying Yeshua. Such a choice is gone, especially in the ultra orthodox wing.

2. People who had still made a choice for Yeshua, entered a strange way of gathering spiritual stones to build a status, so that they will be accepted by the community. Acceptance of the community will give them more faith. They will build up faith to gain salvation which is in certain sense based on believe in the community and their approval.

3. Once became the status of Converted, it’s all be done. Because the acceptance of the community is more worthy than direct faith which can be doubtly. In other words, they have enough. They don’t have repentance anymore because of a lost status, or because of sin etc. Their status is just good because of community.

4. Such a community which performs the two sacraments (Baptise and Lord’s Supper) are not using these sacraments as they were intent to. They where not meant for people with such a status, but far more for people who need support and guidance to come to G’d.

5. The church is based on creeds. At least she manifest with creeds. Everytime when discussions appears, the good remain and the bad is condemned. This has taken the church to a lot of smal parts. The problem is one part is restricted by a lot of rules. And tradition makes this even more narrow. Because you won’t diverge from the preferred way. The rules make the church, not faith. The result of this is that freedom of believe has become a rejection. You rather have to obey the church than G’d.

The re-establishment of the temple

January 22, 2009

While studying Torah and looking around in the prophets, I realized there was only a second temple and that was an everlasting temple. There is no mention about a third temple in the scriptures. If there is a third temple, then it’s Yeshua.

When the Jews where expelled from their country (the beginning of the diaspora), the first temple was destroyed by the Babylonians in 587 BCE. Managed by Ezra and Nehemiah the returned Jews rebuild the temple and this second temple was dedicated in 515 BCE. But there was no ark of the covenant and no shechinah. (Jer.3.16) 

An interesting word of G’d about this second temple is said by the prophet Haggai:

According to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so my spirit remaineth among you: fear ye not. For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land; And I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come: and I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the LORD of hosts. The glory of this latter house shall be greater than of the former, saith the LORD of hosts: and in this place will I give peace (וּבַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה אֶתֵּן שָׁלוֹם), saith the LORD of hosts. (Hag.2:5-9).


When this last verse is speaking about the second temple (and it is), then this temple, this beith hakodesh will become great glory. After a rededication by the Maccabeen, we can also see a rededication, or better to say a renewing by Yeshua. He said: “I will build another made without hands.” (Mar.14:58 ) He build Himself the beith hakodesh.


When Joseph and Mary came to the temple with her child Yeshua, they presented Him to HaSjem. (Luk.2:22)  Just here came the arc of the covenant (is it where) and the shechinah again in the temple. Here we can see the temple is eternal. And now the second temple will become to more and more glory. Simeon and Anna witnessed this. And Simeon spoke about the light: “A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.” (Luk.2:32) Yeshua came to light up the heavenly menorah. (Zach.4) And Yeshua came to build up the temple itself, as He said: “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (Jo.2:19)

Here He spoke of His own body. His own body was to be the holy place. Through Him HaSjem would be dwelling among His people. And, in fact, in this holy place was placed the whole Torah and the shechinah was there, and still is there. This renewed covenant is also put in the body of the faithful according to Deut.30:14 and Jer.31:33.


The Torah was the word of G’d  given to His people. It was the way of life. It was lay down in the arc of the covenant which resides in the tabernacle. And then the word has become flesh. (Jo.1:14) A new gift of the covenant: G’d revealed in a human being. And as a result trough (given) faith, here we are adopted by G’d. A new live springs out of the darkness to the light. And it dwelt among us. The Greek word Jochanan used for dwelling “skenoo” means tent or tabernacle. HaKodesh came down and later (33years) ascended tot heaven. But then the Ruach haKodesh was given to us. First the Torah came down, then Yeshua as written: “the Torah was given by Moses, grace and truth came by Yeshua HaMashiach.” (Jo.1:17) The Torah contains/embedded the temple, or better to say the tabernacle and its equipment. Yeshua also in a certain sence, but more, He embedded grace and truth. And we saw His glory (Jo.1:14) said Jochanan. (Probably referring to their experience on the mountain, where Peter would build a tabernacle for Jesus, Moses and Elijah, Jo.17:4)


As Salomon managed the building of the temple also Yeshua will manage the building of the (restored) temple. But then, we have to think about a divine and physical dimension. The temple always has been a divine place on earth.