Archive for November, 2013

A Rabbi speaks at Church

November 5, 2013

2013-11-04 21.38.07Rabbi Chaim Eisen, an orthodox Rabbi from Jerusalem, spoke in our church last night. This a very rare event, an orthodox Rabbi in an orthodox church. I believe this is a step forward towards a mutual understanding of our common believes and for us as a church another step in the process of returning to our Jewish roots, what we lost.

He was speaking about Ruth: “Your People are My People, and Your God is My God” (Ruth 1:16) He stressed the fact that Ruth converted to the people of Israel and that this does not apply to the attendees, to the Christian people. He also was not looking for converts to Judaism. Remain in your calling he said. (Like Paul said in 1Cor.17-18) And just keep the seven Noachide laws. (Like the apostles said, Acts 15)

Personally I was affected by hearing him saying that they as Jews were highly offended by the fact that some Jews calling themselves “Messianic” Jews. In fact Jews who believe in Jesus. They implicitly are saying by such a statement that the common Jews are not Messianic. This while the concept of the Messiah is a deeply rooted Jewish idea. To say with such a statement that the Jews don’t believe in the Messiah is to spit in their face he said. With that said, he was very clear to leave Jews Jewish and Christians Christian. I thought the world is not ready to adopt a common Messiah. In between is in plain sense not possible. Messianic Judaism is not regarded as Judaism, if you want it or not. Judaism has to accept their own accepted Messiah, which is a future event.

We made one step. I know that the Christian passion is take a few steps more instantly. But we cannot go ahead of time. We made one step forwards, and I’m glad of it. We stood shoulder to shoulder and spoke to each other. And that’s good.

Update: you can listen here to the lecture or download it here.

(Scroll to 12.00 min. to begin with the English introduction and lecture.)