Archive for February, 2015

Make yourself up, be happy, we live in an amazing time!

February 12, 2015

It is true, it looks like everything is going to be bad. The righteous man are wiped off the earth and the wicked rule. How can we be happy? We feel like we are ‘on the rivers of Babylon’. True christians are starving along with faithful Jews in this devastating times for us. It seems like there is no future. But the opposite is true. There is future, certainly, the best you can think of! Let your complains behind and open your eyes!

  • for thousands of years Israel was exiled, now they are back in their land
  • God is restoring Israel because of his covenant made up with them
  • There are also many prayers from martyrs for the Christian community, God will restore them too.
  • Although great wars happened, Israel prospers
  • Although Israel is in trouble right now, God is going to deliver them
  • I seems like War, but we are heading Peace!
  • Because no Obama, Putin, or ISIS prevails, but the True King has prevailed and will show Himself King soon
  • There will come a time of peace, like thousands years.
  • Where’s the dead? Children of God will live!
  • No nuclear disaster, no Islam, even no Christianity or Judaism, but there will be One Name we will serve.

The Great Day where so many prophets and disciples spoke about, will come! Thrust Him Who has all the power and is already King over the world. He will comfort those who abide Him! HalleluJah!
