Posts Tagged ‘judgement’

Yeshua sentenced to dead

March 1, 2010

Last Sunday I heard a pastor speaking about Mathew 26:66, He [Jesus] is guilty of dead.

He saw two aspects in it: a word from hell and a word from heaven. I’ll share some of it along with my own thoughts about it.

Yeshua wasn’t guilty. Why would the court of the Beit Din accuse Him and put him to dead? He who was doing good all the way. (Is.61:1-3, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives etc.) Why? They were afraid of that he would be the Messiah. Because, when He was the Messiah, then a certain critique came upon their religion and their own view of salvation/covenant, which was too painful. They couldn’t accept that because many things would be shown wrong. But not only that. Satan himself was in that matter. He was participating in the Pharisees and also in Yeshua’s fellowship, i.e. Judas. And with him the offspring of fallen Adam came to Him in this case and says: “you are guilty to dead” Why is that said? Why such a charge?

Because world’s most important judgement took place.

From the other side, a view from heaven, also the word was saying: “guilty to dead”. Yeshua, although perfect righteous, was to be held for guilty for our sins. (Is.53:5) In this case Yeshua was to be hold for, accountable for. But for what was he to blame? Not for the things brought by the Pharisees, Beit Din, or the witnesses. Because Jesus remained silent, verse 63. He didn’t accept any accusing. He was not blamed for anything He did, but all they did. He only acknowledges the word which was said by the High Priest: to be the Messiah, the son of God. (Mat.26:63)

When that was said, Yeshua said: Now you’ll see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of the power [of God] and coming on the clouds of heaven. And the High Priest “rent his garments”. World’s most mysterious judgement had been taken place. That day, the day of Pesach, He died. Not because His sin, but ours. And darkness covered the world. Until He is seen on the clouds of heaven.