Posts Tagged ‘Our Place’

Our Place – my new book

December 17, 2012

Finally, my new book is ready!

Our Place

Our Place as Gentiles in the community of Israel

This book is about a key text of the song of Moses, that God went to a no-people (the gentiles, Deut.32:21) what marks the beginning of the time of the gentiles. Paul fixes his view on that since he saw a great gathering of gentiles to the community of Israel. This is described in Romans 9-11.

This book is written for people who are interested in the position of Christians or Messianics related to the Jews. Don’t think it’s a finished study. I hope it will give provoking thoughts and will draw to rethink certain prophecies.

You can purchase this book here on There you can also download an eBook for free.

And here you can download a pdf-version for free. (I got it for free, you got it for free…)

Update – Now also available at:
Apple iBookstore (Free ebook) ($9,00 for paperback, 78 pages)
Barnes&Noble (Free ebook)

Please give it a try and let me know what you find of it!

a new book in the making: Our Place

November 7, 2012

Fine readers,

I didn’t write for a few months on my blog. I’m happy to be here again and to let you know that I wrote a book based on the last post about Our Place. I called the book Our Place and it’s about the place of the Gentiles in the community of Israel.

I picked up Romans 9-11 and the Song of Moses. An important verse of that song (Deut.32:21) speaks about a “no-people” which are the Gentiles. Paul quoted this verse in Romans 10:19. This points us to how to read the Song of Moses, that there would be a “time of the Gentiles”. I all put it down in one book now and I hope it is available within a week or 4.

This is the Table of Contents:

Our place in God’s calling with respect to the Jews
We as gentiles
Our place distinguished from the Jews
What is righteous before God
The hidden Messiah
Do we need conversion?
Our place in covenantal relationships
Paul’s “grafted in” analogy
Paul’s message to the gentiles about the Jews
Romans 9-11, Opening statement
Romans 9-11, Faith brings righteousness for Jew and Gentile
Romans 9-11, grace for Gentiles
Romans 9-11, The beginning of the Age of the gentiles
Romans 9-11, a no-people: the church emerged
Romans 9-11, the warning
The Song of Moses
The Song of Moses, God chooses a no-people
The Song of Moses, Jealousy
The Song of Moses, Those who are not called by My name
The Song of Moses, The analogy of Hosea
The Song of Moses, The time of the Gentiles
The Song of Moses, A no-people as oppressors of the Jews
The Song of Moses, The return of the Jews and the retaliation of the no-people
Our time
As many as the Lord our God calls
Am I different than a Jew? – a conclusion
Our place in the world-to-come


I’ll keep you updated,
