Archive for May, 2011

Jewish Isaiah 53

May 24, 2011
The Jewish learning centre Aish HaTorah offered a brief explanation of the 53th chapter of the prophet Isaiah on their website. The Suffering Servant is painted in the Jewish way. Some interesting issues as mistranslations are dealt with. And I appreciate the honest way of outreaching they do: The intention is not to denigrate another religion, but rather to understand the true meaning of the Divine word. The Christian Church always applies the Suffering Servant to Jesus. This is opposed to the Jews who believe the people of Israel are meant by it. What is interesting is that this Christian view is not found in the early church and the apostles. Were they familiar with the Jewish view of our days in some sense? The Hebrew word Servant (of HaSjem) ( עבד ebed) means someone who does Gods will. This can be someone from a king to a slave. Tom Holland gives an interesting view on it in his book about Paul’s theology on page 81-82. He says about the early church opinion: The servant role was not limited to Jesus, but was shared by the whole people of God.I’m about to agree, we share many, from cross to crown.This is the reason why the early church didn’t apply it to Jesus because of the vicarious atonement according to Tom Holland. That should be limited to one person, the Messiah.I really wonder why the author of the article denies a vicarious atonement at all. Paul and the other apostles clearly shows us that this is the cornerstone of salvation. And this was certainly not something new and not limited to the NT writings. How then does Judaism teach vicarious atonement? In our days? What about sacrificing an animal? Or more specific, the goat on Yom Kippur which bears the sin and was to send away in the dessert?

Is it a Mitsvah for Christians to fulfill the Torah?

May 5, 2011
Blogger Judah of Kineti L’Tziyon got a lot of comments on his question: Is it a sin for Christians to break the Torah.Another way to look at this matter is to ask whether it is regarded as a good deed to fulfill the Torah. Many would say yes of course, it is good. But there’s more to say about it.The most wonderful thing in the whole bible is done by Jesus: the fulfillment of the Torah. He is the Torah in its most beauty. He fulfilled and established and finished the Torah perfectly. In that perspective the Torah is made complete and perfect. It can not be broken again.

Look at the faithfull orthodox Jews. They consider the Chumas (5 books of Moses) which is the textual basis for the Torah, as a holy perfect book without any error and full of divine wisdom were every word and sign is perfect written in. This is confirmed by Jesus: No jot or title shall pass from the Torah. (Matth.5) If these letters are of such a great value, how valuable is the complete Torah of flesh and blood which is become “one of us”? (Hebrews2) One clear look at Him and you will never ever think you can do anything for the sake of the Torah.

When Yeshua said on the cross it is finished, then the main purpose of the Torah was finished namely “to be holy for your God”. Before no one could ever come to God without a sacrifice. But at that time, with the sign of the teared curtain of the temple, anyone could come “through the blood of the Messiah”. The practice of Torah was definitely changed, no “house of God” or temple was needed for the dwelling-place of God. He right on “dwelt among us”.

The Torah is He and us molded together in perfect harmony. That’s what is called peace. Peace from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven. Harmony between God and Man. The fulfillment of the Torah does not depend on mankind. We can’t make the Torah complete.

The main purpose of the Torah is completed in my opinion. Forgiveness of sin, grace, salvation etc. But it is not that everything is ended. The restoration of the chosen people of Israel isn’t ended yet for instance. Every human being with a true faith has a purpose under the law of the Torah, but it is walking the way after Yeshua the Messiah who has made the Torah complete.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Eph.2:10)

So the good works, the mitsvot, we earned it from Him. Who did it in advance. What is a sign of a true disciple? He who walks in His Torah. (as a result) Because then you belong to His mystic body. (Eph.1:23)

This are just a few words of me. Read the apostle Paul to learn more. And forget me ;-)
Shalom to all my fine readers!