Posts Tagged ‘Romans 9-11’

Facing the biggest problem

July 10, 2017

Choosing between being Jew or gentile. I think this was what Paul had in mind when writing Romans 9 and thinking about his people. “I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my people.” (Rom.9:2-3) The question was (as it seems to me) whether to be with them under the curse of denying Jesus, or to be with those outlawed of Judaism and mostly gentiles believers. But Paul rejoiced however to be with the latter because he firmly believed Jesus was the Messiah. In Romans 9-11 he pointed out what the matter was of the Jewish people; they would go in exile for the sake of the gentiles. (Rom.11:11)

This was a great choice. Paul saw that he couldn’t be part of the Jewish people because of their denial of the Messiah, since he opposed to them, clearly saw the Messiah.

I can feel that today similar circumstances are in place when a Jewish believer clings to Messianic Judaism. He also has a choice. But that choice easily could culminate in accepting or rejecting Jesus.

In fact it should be that there was no choice at all. But we have yet the same Jewish people as in the time of Paul: you will not be accepted if you believe in Jesus, and hitherto you will not be a “real” orthodox jew.

It looks like the Jewish people must first recognize the Messiah as a nation, as a whole people.

Orthodox Jewry does not accept Messianic Jews. Even in politics. When they apply for citizenship during the immigration process, their application is denied simply because they believe in Jesus as their messiah. It looks like this is even against the Jewish Law of Return, but this is still how it goes.

Obviously, there will be other times ahead of us. For now we have to deal with this situation.

Our Place – my new book

December 17, 2012

Finally, my new book is ready!

Our Place

Our Place as Gentiles in the community of Israel

This book is about a key text of the song of Moses, that God went to a no-people (the gentiles, Deut.32:21) what marks the beginning of the time of the gentiles. Paul fixes his view on that since he saw a great gathering of gentiles to the community of Israel. This is described in Romans 9-11.

This book is written for people who are interested in the position of Christians or Messianics related to the Jews. Don’t think it’s a finished study. I hope it will give provoking thoughts and will draw to rethink certain prophecies.

You can purchase this book here on There you can also download an eBook for free.

And here you can download a pdf-version for free. (I got it for free, you got it for free…)

Update – Now also available at:
Apple iBookstore (Free ebook) ($9,00 for paperback, 78 pages)
Barnes&Noble (Free ebook)

Please give it a try and let me know what you find of it!