Archive for February, 2023

Orthodox Jew or Christian

February 9, 2023

I just came upon an interesting remark in this news article. Beyneynu’s director, Shannon Nuszen, said: “Until a half century ago, it was understood that if a Jew believed in Jesus, he was abandoning his entire Jewish identity. The church has completely changed this old, failed strategy. They dramatically revamped their methods.” [to evangelize.]

It’s not new, but it’s more practiced today, that a christian can be an orthodox Jew and visa-versa. 

However, this is officially not accepted. Both Judaism and Christianity do not accept this behavior. It is not possible to mix these two traditions or religions. They have ruled each other out and they still remain different.

Shannon says: “The church has completely changed this”. Not really true. Hopefully quite some churches abandoned replacement theology, but this will not say that they enclose Judaism into their religion. There’s still a vast distinction between Christianity and Judaism, between a christian and a jew. Messianic Jews, like in this article, are exceptions.

However, it should be possible that an orthodox Jew believes in Jesus. And it is a shame that this is not possible (yet) in official Judaism as well as in Christianity.