Posts Tagged ‘jesus’

Jesus is the Messiah

January 18, 2014

But we don’t see Him. And He is the divine Messiah. There’s no other Name in heaven and on earth which come come to us to know and to understand through which we may come to the everlasting Father who created us in His image. We are lost, but found by Him. And He is the only one true God.Believe (1)

The problem is that we don’t see Him. We are a people who are so far off, so far deviated from the right path and so blinded by the time passes by for the last tens of decades, that we lost our sight completely. Although we think we see. We do see a lot of things literary, more than in the past, but we don’t have the ability to see the things spiritual, at least not with the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. We are so defiled in our society that you might say there’s no way back. But fortunately there is a way. Personaly now, when it is the time (Ps.95), but isn’t it now, then it will be in the future, at least for Gods people. Gods promises will endure time until it is His time to act. And that’s we are heading to. “He saw that there was no [good] man, and wondered that there was no intercessor: therefore his own arm brought salvation to him; and his righteousness, it upheld him.” (Is.59:16) We all failed, but God doesn’t fail.

You might ask whether this is a special confession, after all, thousands say Jesus is the divine Messiah, but I would say: Yes, this is a very special confession! I was challenged by Judaism and still am, and now I see that I as a church man (and stick to Hebrew Movement), I came to the understanding that we are ALL the same. Orthodox believing Jews and orthodox Christian gentiles. We are the same in what? In that we tend to reject our own very Redeemer. In fact we are rejecting God. The last year I came as far as that I have to confess that I myself was the cause of the crucifiction of the Messiah, the One who would come to my salvation. He is indeed the Sacrifice which I’m liable to. And He is indeed the greatest Miracle full of graciousness and forgiveness. How is that possible? Why on earth did He choose me to share His love and His word and to make me a child of Him? I was lost, but now I’m found. I’m wondering myself constantly about this.

For years I read the phrase “and they will look to me whom they have pierced” as it would apply for the Jews. Now I understand that I am also like the Jew. Yes, I believe that I will confess the same as what the Jews will confess when that blessed time will come that the Deliverer comes forth of Zion and when we get rid off sins because of that very confession that WE have rejected Him. (Is.53) Maybe it’s hard to understand, but for some it may be easy and even welcome to hear.

“Salvation be to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Rev.7:10)

Jesus as an idol

September 4, 2009

How is it possible to idolize Jesus? I asked myself: What do we understand by Jesus? Or Yeshua or whatever you call him. (I prefer his Jewish name Yeshua, so I will use that.) The question is what do we think who is Yeshua? Many people would answer the Messiah, the Son of God. And there would be some Christians who would say I know him. idolatryAnd a very few would say “I really know him but many others don’t.” But again, what do we understand. With a wrong understanding we may end up in idolatry.

I am concerned of the Yeshua about who is spoken, would be the right Yeshua. Him that is true. I think that the church has developed a man-made Yeshua. The church, by many doctrines and dogma’s to avoid deviation and apostasy, they became apostasy themselves by philosophy of man. Most known example is the doctrine of trinity. I would not say whether such doctrines are good or not. The problem is that we have to deal with an opinion about Yeshua which is not good, at least if I look around me. We have learned a lot about Yeshua, but what did we learn from the only G-d? Did He show us his salvation? His real Yeshua? A man who is drawn towards G-d is facing One G-d, who shows Himself as a righteous G-d. That causes a humble man convinced to be a sinner, who ask forgiveness. And in answer of doing good works, he begins to understand he couldn’t do anything on his own. He loses everything of his own and becomes more and more a subject of Yeshua, because He is the image of G-d which is going to be established in the sinner. His eyes are opened to look and he wants to see the mystery.

But about the right look on Yeshua, it’s not easy to draw a figure of him. Neither in mind, as certainly not on scripture. And how does it relates to the commandment “Do not make idols”? To know him the eyes must be opened first. It’s certainly a mystery that G-d brings a sinner to Him by grace. But it’s also certain that G-d is revealed in Yeshua. Only a right look on Him, the Savior, would often give the experience which would say: I have nothing. You, G-d, have it all, I not. And you have it all for me, I know, You did let me know it, but for now I am missing you, please have mercy, I love you. That’s it: LOVE. Love for G-d and love for your neighbor. And love for his Torah, John explained this in his letters by mention to love your brother and obey his law. As James do.

For me, such a confession of having nothing is far more worthy than the many who say: “I know Yeshua! He is my savior and I can tell you everything about him! And if you want to know him, listen to me and I’ll explain it. And if I can’t convince you, read the doctrines of my church!” Does he has the true one? Otherwise he’s serving an idol.

How do we understand the true Messiah? John wrote at the end of his first letter: “We know that the Son of God has come, and has given us an understanding, that we know him who is true, and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.”

And James, who mention Yeshua only one time in his letter (except its opening), he says:”My brethren, hold not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, [the Lord] of glory, with respect of persons.” (James2:1) I agree that conform the following context it is meant for persons as you and I, but it does not necessarily exclude the person Yeshua as a human being. Many people saw Yeshua when he lived on earth, but they didn’t saw him real, as the true one. Thomas was not convinced by seeing the person Yeshua alone. Until it came from heaven, as it were, he was and said: My Lord and my G-d. (John20:28) Who knows Him without divine revelation? Yeshua said: “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father who is in heaven.” (Math.16:17)