Archive for November, 2014

The battle of the Temple Mount has begun

November 25, 2014

“We are in a battle for Jerusalem, our eternal capital” says Netanyahu. Or more specific, the time of delivering of the Temple Mount has began. Remember, in 1948 the state of Israel was born. In 1967 Jerusalem was captured, but they gave the authority of the Temple Mount back to Moslims. And now, a jubilee later, the Status Quo of the Temple Mount is been discussed due to Palestinian terror and accusations because they think the Israeli government is discussing the Temple Mount. A reverse result.batlletemplemount

Now, 49 years after Jerusalem came under Jewish rule and the end of the trampling of the gentiles (Luke21:24), it looks like the Temple Mount is coming closer to those whom it belongs. It’s the place of the house of God belonging to the Jews and all the nations. (1Kings8:39-43) It’s the place of God. The time will come that the heavenly temple is connected with the earthly one. (Rev. 21:10) We don’t know when or how, or how resurrection will happen etc. We only looking forward eagerly for the restoration and redemption.

Thinking about this, the old words of Isaac Newton came into my mind. He expounded heavily upon the prophecies of Daniel and the book Revelations. He sees another dimension in the prophecy of the 70 years of exile of the Jewish people and the 70 weeks of the prophet Daniel. He is in line with the Puritan view, but he puts the part of the seven weeks after the physical restoration of Jerusalem and before the Messiah the Prince would come. That means calculating from the year 1967 on, that 49 years later (2016) we could expect Messiah the Prince. But who are we to know that? Perhaps we must wait until the Temple Mount is been restored to the Jews, and then calculate 49 years? I think the best way is not to calculate but to expect the things to come in faithfulness. Anyway, exciting times we live in!