Archive for December, 2016

Light in the darkest time

December 13, 2016

I’m sad about the circumstances of our time. But in these sadness I’m happy too. In the darkness is light going to come.

Chanukkah is about to come. The feast of the light. Christmas also, the lights are all around us. Chanukkah was born in the 9th (biblical) month, a month of fasting and praying. There the miracle happened.

I hope this miracle will happen to us too. We desperately are in need of.

I’m thinking about those people in Syria. They are butchered. This is an example of our age. Where are we become? No one of Europe or America is helping. Their corrupt policies made by those dark lefties who called themselves enlightened, made it impossible to help without entering into another war. And the only country that helps is Russia, completely neglected in Western media. How bad is everything gone. Western people from the old times of christianity… now completely gone astray.

We need light. The world needs light. Common layman are starving from spiritual power due to left anti christian policy makers who want to destroy everything christian.

And God is hiding his face because the amount of sin has become full. But He is also hiding because he will reveal Himself to spread light at the greatest dawn ever!

I’m just looking forward my friends. Great times are coming! When our true King comes on stage!

Baruch Haba

“To open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” (Is.42:7)