Archive for August, 2022

Observations Paula Fredriksen

August 12, 2022

Paula Fredriksen shares a few interesting and for me (as a Protestant) important observations in her article “Circumcision is Nothing”: A Non-Reformation Reading of the Letters of Paul. (2022, Brill, Open Access)

According to Paula’s reading of Paul’s letters:

  • Gentile believers who received the Spirit have a share in the kingdom of God, alongside Israel. Only those who received the Spirit. “Circumcision of gentiles is nothing”. The people of Israel already got the Spirit and therefore they can observe the law. And about converts to Judaism: Only a gentile (convert or not) who received the Spirit could become a Jew who can observe the law. Where Paul writes “Israël” it always means the Jews. Paul almost never writes to Jews/Israel. An exception is Rom. 9-11.
  • Paula implies that covenant relationship of the Jewish people according to Torah is sufficient for salvation. I don’t agree with this opinion. Jews also need the Spirit and repentance. “But God’s ancient election of Israel – his promises to their forefathers, his gifts, his calling – ensures their inclusion in the Kingdom” (pag. 47)

I like her observation that there must be a spiritual (pneuma) community of gentiles and Jews.