Posts Tagged ‘Ishmael’

Muslim Immigrant integration: Impossible in principle

November 7, 2020

It could be possible though, but that will be an exception to the rule. Muslims as a people will remain a distinct people, like the Jews remain a people. With a big difference: Jews have a (promised) land while Muslims as a people don’t have a land or nation. They dwell in Arabia or other countries like nomads. They have families who rule. And they are powerful too, without a king. Of course they own land, but not designed as a nation.

What do I want to say? We will see soon. First you have to know that this is based on the biblical story that the muslims people, or better to say the Arab people, descendants are of Ishmael the brother of Isaac and the son of Abraham. Not all ethnically of course, could be by conversion etc. 

Based on that, we can draw prophetic lines of the peoples of Ishmael based on the bible. Ishmael was a child of Abraham and loved by Abraham. His mother was Hagar (handmaiden of Abraham) and she too loved Ishmael very much. But Sara, the wife of Abraham didn’t like Hagar since Hagar received Ishmael while Sara was childless.

When Ishmael was 14 years, Sara bore Isaac and in him the promise of God proceeded. Sara couldn’t go with Ishmael, she mocked him. But Abraham (and God too) loved him. And here the story of the Muslims begins. As described in Genesis 16 and 21:8 and on. Hagar and Ishmael were sent away from the Abraham household into the desert. Hagar was a wise (daughter of Pharaoh) and faithful woman. She feared God. She lost everything, wandered in the desert with her son. And eventually she couldn’t manage to keep her son alive. In great distress she moved a little away from her son so she couldn’t see him dying.

But God had other plans with Ishmael. Ishmael was faithful; he cried out to God. And God sent an angel to Hagar who said to her that her son should live! “Lift the boy up and take him by the hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” (Gen.21:18) Hagar should have reminded the prophecy said to her: “He [Ishmael] will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers.” (Gen.16:12) And what God said in answer to Abraham’s prayer for Ishmael: “I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.” (Gen.17:20)

Here we are. God said: “I will make him into a great nation.” This prophetic word, with the lines given above, draws us a picture of the people of Ishmael, the people of the desert, and later the moslim people. They weren’t drawn to christianity due to failing Christians and Jews, but a prophet among their brethren arised: Mohammed. Because they are a distinct people with their own prophecy.

Look, we have Turkish people here in the Netherlands. They are more affected by the election of the Turkish president than our national elections. We have Moroccan people who love their families in Morocco more than they would give up their cultural habits in our land. Syrians, they love the Middle East even if they are at war over there. Iranians, they love their country and people despite their government.

And by the way, many of them are lovely people, but they tend to have extreme radicalists. This is too bad! It’s something muslims have to be aware of and afraid of. This is also in their prophecy, like the expression: “a wild donkey of a man”. It’s not about bad or good people here, but about a good choice. Everyone and every people and family has its downside. It’s about how we act; right now and in the future.

The muslim people have a lot in common with the jewish people. They both are a distinct people. They both need Jesus the Jewish Messiah, as a people. Until then, if a Jew or muslim turns to christian faith, he will be cut off from his people. They (Jews and Muslims) need a national acceptance of Jesus. Then they will remain a distinct prophetic people, but saved in Jesus. We can find many promises for the Jews in the bible. But for the muslims we have the prayer of Abraham: “If only Ishmael might live…” With God’s answer: “And as for Ishmael, I have heard you.” (Gen.17:18-20)

The muslims as a people. I think we have to keep this in mind.  Watch their promo video here.